Children’s Ministries

Children’s Ministries

You’re Invited!

The invitation to exploring one’s own faith and commitment to follow Jesus begins on Sunday morning. We invite families with older children and youth to worship together. In addition to Sunday morning, we offer other opportunities for fellowship, community building, and more through our partnerships with Christian Surfers and other community groups which meet weekly on our campus. Check below for more information and activities.

Nursery and Sunday School

We offer nursery care (infant through 5 yrs. old) and Sunday school classes for children from age three through 5th grade during the 10:30 Sunday morning worship. When a child comes to worship, or attend Sunday school classes at St. Peter’s, they are taught the foundational stories of our faith so they can remember and tell these stories to others. When we learn these stories in the midst of a community of faith, they become our stories and shape our response to the world.

Through the story of our faith, regular worship, creative fun, experiencing of all of these things with classmates and teachers, our children learn the abundance of love that God has for each of us and how we each of them can share that love as their relationship with God grows. 

Contact Claire Odell (386) 428-7383.