Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

Here I am, Lord. Send me. – Isaiah 6:8

Our Pastoral Care Team is a lay led ministry caring for the congregation, members and friends alike. The team will provide ministry of support, hope, and caring so that no one in the congregation feels alone in difficult times in their life.

Our Pastoral Care Team can help with:

  • Phone calls to shut-ins
  • Home Visitations
  • Hospital visits
  • Home Communion
  • Card for various occasions
  • Monday flower delivery
  • Rides to appointments (doctor’s, church, groceries, etc.)
  • Food for those at home (care baskets)
  • Pet care (walks, etc.)
  • Intercessory prayer
  • Prayer ministry and prayer appointments

Our goal is to share God’s love and grace by providing spiritual and emotional comfort, care, and support to our church community.

If you need a visit or would like to volunteer please contact:
Terry Stearns (386) 690-5877

Support Through Life’s Ups & Downs

At St. Peter’s, clergy and laity share the responsibility for Pastoral Care. It sometimes comes from a group organized for a particular ministry; and sometimes it’s simply a telephone call, a note, a visit or a meal.

Parishioners take flowers and communion to homebound parishioners and cook meals for those with new births in the family or who are grieving the loss of a loved one. We also prepare receptions for funerals, provide transportation to medical appointments and more. Supporting one another through life’s ups and downs is a central part of being together as the body of Christ.

Providing Pastoral Care visits in the hospital, Hospice care center or at home occur on a regular basis, we also have durable medical equipment available to lend. Coordination and referrals to community agencies are available.

The groups below contribute to the Pastoral Care offered at St. Peter’s.

Altar Guild

The liturgy begins and ends with Altar Guild, a volunteer group of the parish, who’s ministry is to care for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for the liturgy of the day and the celebration of life services and clean up afterwards. Without these dedicated volunteers no altar would be set for Eucharistic, funerals prepared, Baptismal font cleaned, candles prepared, the cross polished. etc.

Contact Cathy Smith (407) 620-4666.

Daughters of the King

We are part of an international Order of women called to serve Christ through prayer and service; grounded in God’s love, we share it with wild abandon. Gathering as Daughters – sharing our joys, dividing our sorrows, all the while loving, caring for, and supporting one another and our communities. Living with thankful open hearts to love large and serve whole heartedly as companions with each other on this earthly journey. Engaged in the blessed work of encouragement and invitation we are led by the Holy Spirit. Our mission is continuous joy-filled service, reverent prayer, intentional study and sharing God’s love that empowers us and all we meet.

Daughters meet at 6:30pm on the 2nd Monday of each month in the Parish House Library, come and join us!!!”

Contact Julie Becker (920) 979-9521.

Flower Guild

This is a group of dedicated and devoted volunteers who have the responsibility of arranging and placing flowers within the church for regular worship and special services, beautifying the worship space at St. Peter’s. They also transform the Sunday flowers into bouquets for Monday
delivery by our volunteers to hospitals, homebound, and for special occasions.

Contact Susan Wagner Carter (407) 461-4697.

Monday Flower Delivery

The Flower Delivery Ministry volunteers take bouquets made from the Sunday Altar flowers to hospitals or homes to share a smile, say thank you or just let someone know we are thinking of them. Most volunteers only work 5-6 Mondays a year and welcome you to join if you can spare two hours to offer a smile and comfort.

Contact Susan Wagner Carter (407) 461-4697.


This group is charged with extending an open hand to those who visit the Church for the first time. The group provides a gift to all newcomers as well as contact information about St. Peter’s. To extend your hand in welcome or if you are a newcomer and somehow we have missed you please get in touch.

Contact Terry Becker (920) 948-5550.

Office Angels

The church office has a small group of hardworking volunteers assisting our Office Administrator. In addition to answering the phone, these dedicated volunteers do a variety of jobs such as printing and folding bulletins and newsletters, stuffing envelopes, collating and filing, and helping with general office procedures. If these are your talents, please let us know.

Contact St. Peter the Fisherman Office (386) 428-7383.