Sermons by Peter Tepper

Covenant : God Promises and God Acts

Summary: Peter Tepper’s sermon explores the concept of covenant in the context of the Presentation of Christ. He begins by sharing a personal story about meeting his wife, illustrating the idea of covenant through their relationship. Tepper emphasizes that covenants are rare in modern times but are crucial for understanding the Bible. Key Points:

Going in the Power of the Spirit

Jesus began his ministry by being empowered by the Spirit. If Jesus, needed the Holy Spirit, how much more do we need him. This talk looks at the identity of the Holy Spirit (who he is). The importance of the Holy Spirit (what and why he does what he does), and the gift of the Holy Spirit (how we receive the gift of the Spirit). Text: ⁠Luke 4:14-21⁠ Sermon preached on 26 January 2025 by Peter Tepper and St Peter…

From Boring to Breathtaking

Jesus is far from boring. Jesus chose the location and style of his first miracle to be a wedding. He is the “Lord of the Feast.” God’s preeminent self-disclosure is in Christ Jesus. Text: John 2:1-11 Sermon preached on 19 Jan 2025 by Peter Tepper at St Peter the Fisherman, New Smyrna Beach, FL.

Look Down, Look Up

This sermon focuses on the dual aspects of Advent: recognizing our own shortcomings (looking down) and embracing God’s love and grace (looking up). We self-examine by looking down. 1. What do we rely on? 2. What do we obey? We embrace God’s grace by looking up. 3. Relax into his grace. 4 Expect God to do immeasurably more than we could ask, think or imagine this Advent. Text: ⁠Luke 3:7-18⁠ Sermon preached by Peter Tepper on 15 Dec 2024 at…

Confidence: Yesterday, Today and Forever

Advent is a season of preparation. We prepare by looking back in order to look forward so that we can be in the present. This expectation is what give us confidence to reside in the “now, and not yet” of Advent. ⁠Text: Luke 3:1-6⁠ Sermon preached by Peter Tepper at St Peter the Fisherman, New Smyrna Beach, Florida on 8 Dec, 2024.

How to Be a Saint

There are two ways that we commonly approach the way of being a “saint” one way is to be conformed, the other is to be transformed. Moralism says “do.” Jesus says “done.” The Holy Spirit transforms us so that we become more like Jesus. “how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, purify our conscience from dead works to serve the living God.” Hebrew 9:14 Text: Hebrews 9:11-14. Sermon…

Everliving to Intercede

Jesus ever lives to intercede for us. His ever-living intercession means that he convincingly, consistently and completely is in our corner advocating and praying for us before the Father. Hebrews 7:23-28 Sermon preached at by Peter Tepper at St Peter the Fisherman, New Smyrna Beach, Florida on 27 October 2024

God, the Gardener

God the Father is a gardener. Jesus Christ is the vine. When we are connected to him we share in the very source of love and strength that created the universe. By the power of the Holy Spirit we can experience God’s love.

The Good Shepherd

When Jesus refers to himself as our Good Shepherd he speaks of one who provides for us, one who protects us and above all who gives us life. Text: John 10:11-18

God’s Amazing Surprise

Jesus’ resurrection is startling, it is confounding, but most of all it is life giving and empowering. Peter Tepper speaks to us about how Jesus appeared to his friends on the evening of that first Easter Sunday. May every Sunday be as startling and life giving as that first Easter evening. ⁠Luke 24:36b-48⁠

Put Your Hand on my Beating Heart

When Jesus meets with Thomas and the rest of his disciples after the resurrection he wants to breath joy into their dismay, belief into their disbelief, and power into their inability.